Rule 6.012 - PRETRIAL SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE PROCEDURESThe following procedures shall apply to pretrial settlement conferences in all pending civil and domestic relations cases when ordered by the court pursuant to UTCR 6.010 or 6.200 or when requested by a party or the party's attorney:
(1) If one party requests a pretrial settlement conference, the settlement conference shall be held unless the opposing party demonstrates good cause why the settlement conference should not be held.(2) Each trial attorney and party or representative of a corporation or insurance company who has full authority to settle and compromise the litigation shall personally appear at the pretrial settlement conference. However, the assigned judge may permit telephone appearances in lieu of personal appearance for good cause.(3) Each pretrial settlement conference shall be scheduled to allow adequate time for meaningful settlement discussions. Additional settlement conferences may be scheduled by the assigned judge or by agreement of all attorneys and parties. (2) The pretrial settlement conference shall not delay the trial scheduling.(3) It will not be required that a trial setting conference be held prior to the pretrial settlement conference. (4) Pretrial settlement conferences shall be conducted by a judge other than the assigned trial judge unless all parties stipulate in writing that the trial judge may also conduct the settlement conference. (5) A pretrial settlement conference statement must be submitted to the court 48-hours prior to the scheduled settlement conference. Pretrial settlement conference statements shall be submitted to the court as a confidential document.(6) No notes or material prepared by the pretrial settlement conference judge will be placed in the court file.(7) If a settlement is reached, the parties shall place notice of the settlement on the record before the scheduled trial date, unless otherwise ordered by the court, in accordance with UTCR 6.020.Josephine Supp. L. R. 6.012
Amended effective 2/1/2024.