Rule 8.075 - PARENTING TIME GUIDELINESSeeEXAMPLE PARENTING PLAN for proceedings where there are minor children. The schedule is only a guideline of minimum parenting time, the court may customize it to provide for the best interest of the children.
1) Mandatory Parent Education Program a) A parent education program as authorized by ORS 3.425 is established. The program shall provide information on the impact of family restructuring on children to each parent named as a party in the following types of proceedings, when such proceedings involve minor children:I. Annulment or dissolution of marriage;III. Petition to establish custody and parenting plans (including paternity); andIV. And post-judgment litigation involving custody, visitation or parenting plans.b) Each parent named as a party in a proceeding of the type described above shall complete the program unless waived by the court.c) The party initiating the proceeding shall register for the program within fifteen (15) days after filing the initiating pleading with the court. A copy of the local rule and instructions on how to register for the program shall be served by the initiating party on all parties against whom relief is sought. Service shall be completed in the manner provided in ORCP 7 at the time the initiating documents are served. All other parties shall have thirty (30) days after service of the notice upon them to register for the program.d) The court shall provide a copy of this rule to the initiating party for service upon all parties against whom relief is sought, together with a statement describing the program including contact telephone numbers, addresses and statements of costs.e) The program provider shall issue a certificate of completion when the participant has completed the program. The certificate must be filed with the court.f) The court may waive one or both parties from the program if, after reviewing the requesting party's motion and supporting affidavit, the court determines that participation is unnecessary or inappropriate.2) Sanctions a) Failure or refusal to complete the program in a timely manner shall be considered by the court in making its ruling on issues which are in dispute.b) Upon a party's failure to successfully complete the education program pursuant to this rule, the assigned judge may take appropriate action including issuing an order to comply which thereafter may be enforced through proceedings for contempt.Grant Cir. Ct. Supp. L. R. 8.075
Amended effective 2/1/2024.