As amended through October 29, 2024
Section 4 - Continuing Legal Education Requirements for Magistrates(A)Total Credit Hours. Each magistrate shall complete a minimum of forty credit hours of continuing legal education for each biennial compliance period on subjects devoted to the law and court administration.(B)Judicial College Credit Hours. As part of the minimum forty credit hours of continuing legal education required by division (A) of this section, each magistrate shall complete a minimum of ten credit hours of instruction offered by the Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College.(C)Judicial Conduct Credit Hours. As part of the minimum ten credit hours of Judicial College instruction required by division (B) of this section, each magistrate shall complete a minimum of three credit hours of instruction offered by the Judicial College on one or any combination of the following four conduct topics: (1) Judicial ethics, which shall include instruction on one or any combination of the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct, the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct, the Judicial Creed, and Ohio ethics laws;(2) Professionalism, which shall include instruction on one or both of the following topics: (a) The role of magistrates in promoting ethics and professionalism within the judiciary;(b) The role of magistrates in promoting ethics and professionalism among attorneys by facilitating compliance with the requirements of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct, "A Lawyer's Creed," "A Lawyer's Aspirational Ideals," and the "Statement Regarding the Provision of Pro Bono Legal Services by Ohio Lawyers" adopted by the Supreme Court.(3) Alcoholism, substance abuse, or mental health issues, which shall include but is not limited to instruction on any of their causes, prevention, detection, and treatment alternatives, as applicable;(4) Access to justice and fairness in the courts and how these issues impact public trust and confidence in the judicial system and the perception of justice in Ohio, which shall include instruction on one or any combination of the following topics: (a) Interacting with self-represented litigants;(b) Encouraging pro bono representation;(c) Accommodating language interpretation;(d) Assuring fairness in matters of race, ethnicity, foreign origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic status, or other relevant topics.(D)Single or Multiple Courses. The Judicial College instruction related to conduct required by division (C) of this section may be obtained in a single program or activity or in separate programs or activities that include one or more of the subjects set forth in that division.(E)Registration. Each magistrate shall register annually with the Secretary of the Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education in a manner authorized by the Commission.(F)New Magistrates Orientation Program.(1)Requirement. An attorney who is appointed as a magistrate shall, within twelve months of the appointment, complete the New Magistrates Orientation Program developed by the Judicial College for that jurisdiction. This provision shall not apply to an attorney who is excused pursuant to (F)(5) of this section or is excused by the Chief Justice upon recommendation of the executive committee because the person recently completed the program.(2)Program parts. The New Magistrates Orientation Program shall consist of the following two parts:(a) Part I, which shall consist of a general and specific curriculum applicable to the jurisdictions of the attendees. The Judicial College shall conduct Part I at least one time each year.(b) Part II, which shall be the Judicial College Mentor Program. Part II shall pair a new magistrate with an experienced magistrate-mentor within the same subject area jurisdiction. Each magistrate required by division (G)(1) of this section to participate in Part II shall have quarterly contact with the mentoring magistrate for a minimum of one year.(3)Change in jurisdiction. A sitting magistrate who changes jurisdictions shall complete only the portions of Part I that are specifically designed for the new jurisdiction.(4)Tuition. The Judicial College shall not charge tuition for participation in Part I.(5)Delayed or excused completion of program parts.(a) For good cause and upon recommendation of the executive committee, the Chief Justice may delay or excuse completion of Part I.(b) For good cause, the executive committee may delay or excuse completion of Part II.(6)Failure to complete program. The Judicial College shall notify the Office of Disciplinary Counsel of a magistrate who, without good cause, fails to meet the applicable requirements of division (G) of this section.Adopted August 2, 2022, effective 9/1/2022; amended July 12, 2022, effective 1/1/2023; amended June 29, 2023, effective 7/1/2023.