Ohio Loc. App. R. 19
In addition to the requirements in App.R. 9, a transcript of proceedings prepared by a reporter to be included in the record on appeal shall state "NO EXHIBITS IDENTIFIED" if there are no exhibits identified or otherwise referred to in the transcript. This statement shall be in place of the "index to exhibits" required in App.R. 9(B)(6).
The court reporter shall also prepare and include a word index for all transcripts of proceedings filed. In addition to print copies of the transcripts, which are filed with the clerk's office, electronic copies of transcripts in searchable Word or PDF form shall be e-mailed to the court of appeals at 6thtranscripts@co.lucas.oh.us. If the court reporter is unable to produce a searchable Word or PDF version of the transcripts, the court reporter shall file a notice with the clerk advising the court of the inability to do so.
Ohio. Loc. App. R. 19