Ohio Loc. App. R. 14
For appeals on the regular calendar, a party may obtain a single, automatic 30-day extension of time to file any merit brief by filing a Notice of Automatic Extension of Time to File Brief (see Appendix of Forms). The notice must affirmatively and accurately state:
The notice must be served on all opposing parties in accordance with App.R. 13(B) and must be filed on or before the due date for the brief. The notice shall be effective upon filing. Any notice that does not comply with these requirements shall not be effective upon filing and may be stricken.
Additional extensions for regular calendar cases shall be by motion as set forth in subsection (E) and are generally greatly disfavored and will rarely be granted.
The notice must be served on all opposing parties in accordance with App.R. 13(B) and must be filed on or before the due date for the brief. The notice shall be effective upon filing. Any notice that does not comply with these requirements shall not be effective upon filing and may be stricken. Additional extensions for accelerated calendar cases shall be by motion as set forth in subsection (E) and are generally greatly disfavored and will rarely be granted.
The appellant may obtain a single, automatic 10-day extension of time to file a reply brief by filing a Notice of Automatic Extension of Time to File Brief. The notice must comply with the applicable subsection (A) or (B) above.
An automatic extension of time is not available in the following circumstances:
In all other instances, an extension of time may be granted only upon written motion supported by a showing of diligence and substantial need. The motion shall be filed at least 3 days before the expiration of the time prescribed for filing the brief, and shall be accompanied by a statement indicating the following:
will be filed within the time requested; and
A conclusory statement as to the press of business does not constitute a showing of diligence and substantial need.
The Court will not ordinarily accept late filings of briefs or motions for extensions of time except upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances made by motion to the Court.
Ohio. Loc. App. R. 14