As amended through December 11, 2024
Rule 8.0 - CALENDAR CALL, REMOTE HEARINGS AND BRIEFS8.1 Unless otherwise directed by the Court, there shall be no calendar calls as matters will be scheduled in advance by the CC.8.2 Duly calendared cases shall be called in the order which they appear, unless otherwise determined by the Presiding Judge or the CC.8.3 If a calendar call is required by the Court, then Rule 2(e), Superior and District Court Rules, shall control the appearance of attorneys at calendar call. However, it is expected that all attorneys of record or unrepresented parties with cases calendared for motion or trial will be present at the convening of court for the calendar call and will remain in the courtroom or its immediate proximity unless excused by the Presiding Judge. Attorneys residing outside the 25 Judicial District accepting employment to represent clients in the 25 Judicial District must arrange their schedules to be present when their cases are calendared. Conflicts such as seminars, appellate courts, and vacations must be worked out with the JSS and the SRSCJ before the case is calendared for trial and the calendar published. Attorney cooperation is essential to the proper functioning of our court system. The Court wants to work with the attorneys and make their jobs as easy and convenient as possible and the Court expects the attorneys to respond by being punctual and prepared at the scheduled time.8.4. As a general rule, the Court will conduct motions hearings not involving live testimony remotely using WebEx. As provided in Rule 1.7 above, motions will be scheduled by the CC for a time certain. Counsel and pro se parties should use their best efforts to estimate the duration of the hearing and list the same on the Calendar Request. For good cause, counsel and pro se parties may petition for an in-person hearing as provided in Rule 1.7. Motions involving live testimony should be conducted in-person and the CC should be notified if the motion involves the same. Remote hearings can be connected to by the use of WebEx at: or by telephone by dialing 1-415-655-0001 and using Access Code: 146 473 4278. Participants should sign into the hearing 15 minutes prior to the schedule time for the hearing.
Remote hearings are open to the public.
8.5 All briefs, responses, memorandums and supporting cases, or any other materials intended to be used in oral argument or submitted to the Court may only be submitted to the CC via email by 5:00 p.m. the Wednesday prior to the hearing of the motion. Parties should not incur the expense of mailing briefs. Materials that have not been submitted by email may not be accepted by the Court unless the presiding Judge decides otherwise. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 1A-1, Rule 5(d), briefs and memoranda provided to the Court may not be filed with the Clerk unless ordered by the Court.8.6 All hearing materials delivered to the Court in accordance with this Rule shall be delivered to counsel for the opposing party or any unrepresented party by hand-delivery, email, facsimile, express delivery or mail, such that the opposing counsel receives the materials no later than three business days before the hearing date. If any hearing materials to which this rule applies are not served on opposing counsel within the time and the manner specified herein, the Court may continue the hearing for a reasonable period of time, proceed with the hearing without considering the untimely served materials, or take such other action as justice requires.N.c. R. Prac. Sup. & Dist. Ct. Civ. P. 8.0
Adopted December 29, 2023, effective 1/1/2024.