N.C. R. Ct. Ord. Arb. 4
The court shall regularly use all arbitrators on the court's list as established in Arb. Rule 4(a). In counties or districts where arbitrators are assigned for multiple cases in a day, the court shall rotate through the list and appoint the next available arbitrator on the list for each day, rather than appointing a different arbitrator for each case. Under Arb. Rule 4(a)(2), consideration should be given to distance of travel and availability of arbitrators.
In accordance with Arb. Rule 4(b), filing of the award is the final act at which payment should be requested, closing the matter for the arbitrator. The arbitrator should make the award when the hearing is concluded. Hearings must be brief and expedited so that an arbitrator can hear at least three per day. See Arb. Rule 6(q).
Payments authorized by Arb. Rule 4(b) are made subject to court approval to ensure conservation and judicial monitoring of the use of funds available for the program. Arbitrators shall not be paid a fee for continued hearings.
An agreement by all parties to remove an arbitrator may constitute good cause under Arb. Rule 4(c).