N.M. R. Rcdg. Jud. Proc. 22-504
N.M. R. Rcdg. Jud. Proc. 22-504
ANNOTATIONS The 2003 amendment, effective February 16, 2004, designated the former undesignated first sentence of the section as present Paragraph A and parts of that former sentence as present Subparagraphs (1) and (2) of that paragraph, deleted the former second sentence concerning the preservation of original shorthand notes, and designated the remaining former sentences as present Paragraph B, and in Paragraph A added the present introductory language and present first sentence, substituted "other certified court reporters" for "certified court reporters other than official reporters who are governed by the Supreme Court approved records retention schedule" in th introductory language, inserted "or other" in Subparagraph (1), and substituted "in Subparagraph (1) of this paragraph" for "hereinabove" in Subparagraph (2), and in the first sentence of Paragraph B added the introductory language, substituted "the original paper notes shall be retained" for "storage shall be through the original paper notes" and "disk" for "disc," and inserted "shall be stored". The 1995 amendment, effective March 15, 1995, added the second and third sentences. The 1993 amendment, effective December 1, 1993, inserted "other than official reporters who are governed by the Supreme Court approved records retention schedule" near the beginning and substituted "one (1) year by the certified court reporter who reported the judicial proceeding" for "six (6) months" near the end of the first sentence.