Rule 26-103 - Scope of practiceA registered foreign legal consultant may render legal services and give professional legal advice on the law of the foreign country where the legal consultant is admitted to practice subject, however, to the following limitations that such a foreign consultant may not:
A. appear as an attorney in any court or before any magistrate or judicial officer, except as permitted pursuant to rules applicable to nonadmitted counsel, but may appear before any administrative agency of the State of New Mexico in compliance with agency rules;B. prepare any pleadings or other papers or issue subpoenas in any action or proceeding brought in any such court, before any such magistrate or other judicial officer, except as permitted pursuant to rules applicable to nonadmitted counsel;C. render professional legal advice on the law of the State of New Mexico or of the United States whether rendered incident to the preparation of legal instruments except when such law is applicable also to the foreign country where the legal consultant is admitted to practice or on the basis of advice from a person duly qualified or entitled, other than by virtue of having been licensed under these rules, to render professional advice in the State of New Mexico;D. in any way hold himself or herself out as an attorney licensed in New Mexico, as a member of the State Bar of New Mexico, or as an attorney licensed in any United States jurisdiction; orE. use any other title other than "Foreign Legal Consultant", the foreign legal consultant's authorized name, or firm name in the foreign country of the consultant's admission, although a business card or letterhead may contain additional information relating to the legal consultant's practice in the foreign country where the legal consultant is licensed to practice.N.M. R. Fgn. L. Consult. 26-103
Adopted, effective 1/1/1995.