New Mexico Code of Judicial Conduct
- Rule 21-001 - Preamble
- Rule 21-002 - Scope
- Rule 21-003 - Terminology
- Rule 21-004 - Application
- Rule 21-100 - Canon 1
- Rule 21-101 - Compliance with the law
- Rule 21-102 - Promoting confidence in the judiciary
- Rule 21-103 - Avoiding abuse of the prestige of judicial office
- Rule 21-200 - Canon 2
- Rule 21-201 - Giving precedence to the duties of judicial office
- Rule 21-202 - Impartiality and fairness
- Rule 21-203 - Bias, prejudice, and harassment
- Rule 21-204 - External influences on judicial conduct
- Rule 21-205 - Competence, diligence, and cooperation
- Rule 21-206 - Ensuring the right to be heard
- Rule 21-207 - Responsibility to hear and decide
- Rule 21-208 - Decorum, demeanor, and communication with jurors
- Rule 21-209 - Ex parte communications
- Rule 21-210 - Judicial statements on pending and impending cases
- Rule 21-211 - Disqualification
- Rule 21-212 - Supervisory duties
- Rule 21-213 - Administrative appointments
- Rule 21-214 - Disability and impairment
- Rule 21-215 - Responding to judicial and lawyer misconduct
- Rule 21-216 - Cooperation with disciplinary authorities
- Rule 21-300 - Canon 3
- Rule 21-301 - Extrajudicial activities in general
- Rule 21-302 - Appearance before governmental bodies and consultation with government officials
- Rule 21-303 - Testifying as a character witness
- Rule 21-304 - Appointments to governmental positions
- Rule 21-305 - Use of nonpublic information
- Rule 21-306 - Affiliation with discriminatory organizations
- Rule 21-307 - Participation in educational, religious, charitable, fraternal, or civic organizations and activities
- Rule 21-308 - Appointments to fiduciary positions
- Rule 21-309 - Service as arbitrator or mediator
- Rule 21-310 - Practice of law
- Rule 21-311 - Financial or business activities
- Rule 21-312 - Compensation for extrajudicial activities
- Rule 21-313 - Acceptance of gifts, loans, bequests, benefits, or other things of value
- Rule 21-314 - Reimbursement of expenses and waivers of fees and charges
- Rule 21-315 - Extrajudicial compensation, expense reimbursement, and reporting
- Rule 21-400 - Canon 4
- Rule 21-401 - [Effective until 12/31/2024] Political activity and elections for judges generally, and who are not currently running in either a partisan, non-partisan, or retention election. non-partisan, or retention election
- Rule 21-401 - [Effective 12/31/2024] Political activity and elections for judges generally, and who are not currently running in either a partisan, non-partisan, or retention election
- Rule 21-402 - Political and campaign activities of judicial candidates in public elections
- Rule 21-403 - Activities of candidates for appointive judicial office
- Rule 21-404 - Campaign committees
- Rule 21-405 - Activities of judges who become candidates for nonjudicial office
- Rule 21-406 - Violations