N.j. R. Appendices form A

As amended through December 2, 2024
Form A - Uniform Interrogatories to be Answered by Plaintiff in All Personal Injury Cases (Except Medical Malpractice Cases): Superior Court

All questions must be answered unless the court otherwise orders or unless a claim of privilege or protective order is made in accordance with R. 4:17-1(b)(3). Information provided in response to these interrogatories shall not be used for any improper purpose. Use of such information shall be in accordance with the Rules of Court, including but not limited to R. 1:38, and the Rules of Professional Conduct.


1. Full name, present address, date of birth, Social Security number, and Medicare number, if applicable. If Medicare number is applicable, attach a copy of the Medicare card.
2. Describe your version of the alleged occurrence, incident, accident or act of negligence asserted in detail setting forth the date, location, time and weather.
3. Detailed description of nature, extent and duration of any and all injuries.
4. Detailed description of injury or condition claimed to be permanent together with all present complaints.
5. If confined to a hospital, state its name and address, and dates of admission and discharge.
6. If any diagnostic tests were performed, state the type of test performed, name and address of place where performed, date each test was performed and what each test disclosed. Attach a copy of the test results.
7. If treated by any health care provider, state the name and present address of each health care provider, the dates and places where treatments were received and the date of last treatment. Attach true copies of all written reports provided to you by any such health care provider whom you propose to have testify in your behalf.
8. If still being treated, the name and address of each doctor or health care provider rendering treatment, where and how often treatment is received and the nature of the treatment.
9. If a previous injury, disease, illness or condition is claimed to have been aggravated, accelerated or exacerbated, specify in detail the nature of each and the name and present address of each health care provider, if any, whoever provided treatment for the condition.
10. If employed at the time of the accident, state:
(a) name and address of employer;
(b) position held and nature of work performed;
(c) average weekly wages for past year;
(d) period of time lost from employment, giving dates; and
(e) amount of wages lost, if any.
11. If there has been a return to employment or occupation, state:
(a) name and address of present employer;
(b) position held and nature of work performed; and
(c) present weekly wages, earning, income or profit.
12. If other loss of income, profit or earnings is claimed:
(a) state total amount of the loss;
(b) give a complete detailed computation of the loss; and
(c) state the nature and source of the loss of income, profit and earnings, and the dates of the deprivation.
13. Itemize in complete detail any and all moneys expended or expenses incurred for hospitals, doctors, nurses, diagnostic tests or health care providers, x-rays, medicines, care and appliances and state the name and address of each payee and the amount paid and owed each payee.
14. Itemize any and all other losses or expenses incurred not otherwise set forth.
15. Identify all documents that may relate to this action, and attach copies of each such document.
16. State the names and addresses of all eyewitnesses to your version of the alleged occurrence, incident, accident, or act of negligence asserted, their relationship to you and their interest in this lawsuit.
17. State the names and addresses of all persons who have knowledge of any facts relating to the case.
18. If any photographs, videotapes, audio tapes or other forms of electronic recording, sketches, reproductions, charts or maps were made with respect to anything that is relevant to the subject matter of the complaint, describe:
(a) the number of each;
(b) what each shows or contains;
(c) the date taken or made;
(d) the names and addresses of the persons who made them;
(e) in whose possession they are at present; and
(f) if in your possession, attach a copy, or if not subject to convenient copying, state the location where inspection and copying may take place.
19. If you claim that the defendant made any admissions as to the subject matter of this lawsuit, state:
(a) the date made;
(b) the name of the person by whom made;
(c) the name and address of the person to whom made;
(d) where made;
(e) the name and address of each person present at the time the admission was made;
(f) the contents of the admission; and
(g) if in writing, attach a copy.
20. If you or your representative and the defendant have had any oral communication concerning the subject matter of this lawsuit, state:
(a) the date of the communication;
(b) the name and address of each participant;
(c) the name and address of each person present at the time of such communication;
(d) where such communication took place; and
(e) a summary of what was said by each party participating in the communication.
21. If you have obtained a statement from any person not a party to this action, state:
(a) the name and present address of the person who gave the statement;
(b) whether the statement was oral or in writing and if in writing, attach a copy;
(c) the date the statement was obtained;
(d) if such statement was oral, whether a recording was made, and if so, the nature of the recording and the name and present address of the person who has custody of it;
(e) if the statement was written, whether it was signed by the person making it;
(f) the name and address of the person who obtained the statement; and
(g) if the statement was oral, a detailed summary of its contents.
22. If you claim that the violation of any statute, rule, regulation or ordinance is a factor in this litigation, state the exact title and section.
23. State the names and addresses of any and all proposed expert witnesses. Set forth in detail the qualifications of each expert named and attach a copy of each expert's current resume. Also attach true copies of all written reports provided to you by any such proposed expert witnesses.

With respect to all expert witnesses, including treating physicians, who are expected to testify at trial and with respect to any person who has conducted an examination pursuant to Rule 4:19, who may testify, state each such witness's name, address and area of expertise and attach a true copy of all written reports provided to you.

State the subject matter on which your experts are expected to testify.

State the substance of the facts and opinions to which your experts are expected to testify and a summary of the grounds for each opinion.

24. State whether you have ever been convicted of a crime. YES () or NO ().

If the answer is "yes", state:

(a) date;
(b) place; and
(c) nature.
25. State (a) the name and address of any person, including any person or party answering these interrogatories, who has made a statement regarding this lawsuit or the subject matter of this lawsuit; (b) whether the statement was oral or in writing; (c) the date the statement was made; (d) the name and address of the person to whom the statement was made; (e) the name and address of each person present when the statement was made; and (f) the name and address of each person who has knowledge of the statement.

Unless subject to a claim of privilege, which must be specified: (g) attach a copy of the statement, if it is in writing; (h) if the statement was oral, state whether a recording was made and, if so, set forth the nature of the recording and the name and address of the person who has custody of it; and (i) if the statement was oral and no recording was made, provide a detailed summary of its contents.


26. State on what street, highway, road or other place (designate which) and in what general direction (north, south, east or west) your vehicle was proceeding immediately prior to the collision. (You may include a sketch for greater clarity.)
27. With respect to fixed objects at the location of the collision, state as nearly as possible the point of impact. If you included a sketch, place an X thereon to denote the point of impact.

(Note: The term "point of impact" as used in this and other questions has reference to the exact point on the street, highway, road or other place where the vehicles collided or where any pedestrian was struck.)

28. State whether there were any traffic control devices, signs or police officers at or near the place of the collision. If there were, describe them (i.e., traffic lights, stop sign, police officers, etc.) and state the exact location of each.
29. If you contend that there was a malfunction of a motor vehicle or equipment, state:
(a) make, model and year of the motor vehicle and whether or not that vehicle was equipped with power brakes and steering;
(b) the nature of the malfunction;
(c) the date the motor vehicle was purchased and the name and address of the person from whom the motor vehicle was purchased;
(d) the date that that portion of the motor vehicle in which the malfunction occurred was last inspected and the name and address of the person inspecting same;
(e) the last date prior to the accident that that portion of the motor vehicle was repaired or replaced, the nature and extent of the repairs, the name and address of the person repairing or replacing same;
(f) if the motor vehicle was repaired after the accident, state the name and address of the person repairing same and the nature of the repairs; and
(g) attach a copy of any repair bills.
30. If the collision occurred at an uncontrolled intersection, state:
(a) which vehicle entered the intersection first;
(b) whether your vehicle came to a full stop before entering the intersection; and
(c) if your vehicle did not come to a full stop before entering the intersection, state the speed of your vehicle when it entered the intersection.
31. For each other vehicle or pedestrian collided with, state, at the time you first observed the other vehicle or pedestrian,
(a) your speed and
(b) the speed of the other vehicle or the movement, if any, of the pedestrian, and the distance in feet between
(c) the front of your vehicle and the point of impact;
(d) the front of the other vehicle or pedestrian and the point of impact, and
(e) the front of your vehicle and the other vehicle or pedestrian.
32. State where each vehicle came to rest after the impact. Include the distance in terms of feet from the point of impact to the point where each vehicle came to rest.
33. For each other vehicle or pedestrian involved, state (a) which part of your vehicle; and (b) which part of the other vehicle or pedestrian came into contact.
34. State the following facts with respect to the collision:
(a) time;
(b) condition of weather;
(c) condition of visibility; and
(d) condition of roadway.
35. For each other vehicle or pedestrian involved, state whether you observed the vehicle or pedestrian prior to the accident? YES () or NO (). If the answer is "yes," set forth the time that elapsed from the time you first saw the vehicle or pedestrian until the impact occurred.
36. At the time of the impact, state the speeds of all vehicles involved in the collision.
37. Were you charged with a motor vehicle violation as a result of the collision? YES () or NO (). If the answer is "yes", state:
(a) charge;
(b) plea; and
(c) disposition.
38. Do you have insurance coverage and/or PIP benefits under an applicable policy or policies of automobile insurance? As to each such policy provide the name and address of the insurance carrier, policy number, the named insured and attach a copy of the declaration sheet.
39. If the Plaintiff(s) or any occupant of the vehicle consumed any alcoholic beverage or took any drugs or medication within twenty-four (24) hours before the subject incident, state what was consumed.
40. If at the time of the accident you were in the course of your employment, logged on to a Transportation Network Company's digital network or engaged in a prearranged ride for a Transportation Network Company (TNC), state the name and address of your employer or TNC.

If you are making a claim for property damage to a motor vehicle, provide answers to the uniform interrogatories contained in Form B, questions 1 through 18.



I hereby certify that the foregoing answers to interrogatories are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.

I hereby certify that the copies of the reports annexed hereto provided by either treating physicians or proposed expert witnesses are exact copies of the entire report or reports provided by them; that the existence of other reports of said doctors or experts are unknown to me, and if such become later known or available, I shall serve them promptly on the propounding party.

N.j. R. Appendices form A

Note: Amended July 17, 1975 to be effective 9/8/1975; entire text deleted and new text added July 13, 1994 to be effective 9/1/1994; amended June 28, 1996 to be effective 9/1/1996; amended July 10, 1998 to be effective 9/1/1998; new introductory paragraph added July 5, 2000 to be effective 9/5/2000; interrogatory 23 and certification amended July 28, 2004 to be effective 9/1/2004; caption and final instruction amended July 23, 2010 to be effective 9/1/2010; interrogatory 1 amended July 19, 2012 to be effective 9/4/2012; former number 25 renumbered as 37, and new numbers 25 through 36 added August 1, 2016 to become effective 9/1/2016; interrogatory paragraph amended July 31, 2020 to be effective 9/4/2020; interrogatory numbers 2 and 16 amended, new interrogatory number 25 added, interrogatory numbers 26 through 37 renumbered as numbers 27 through 38, and new interrogatory numbers 39 and 40 Adopted August 5, 2022 to be effective 9/1/2022.