Rule 106 - Remainder of or Related Writings or Recorded Statements(a) If a party introduces all or part of a writing or recorded statement, an adverse party may require the introduction, at the time, of any other part - or any other writing or recorded statement - that in fairness ought to be considered at the same time.(b) A party has a right to introduce the remainder of an unrecorded statement or conversation that his or her opponent introduced so far as it relates: (1) to the same subject matter; and(2) tends to explain or shed light on the meaning of the part already received.Amended April 20, 2017, eff. 7/1/2017.2016 NHRE Update Committee Note
The amendment made by supreme court order dated April 20, 2017, effective July 1, 2017, made stylistic changes to the rule.
The amendment designated the first paragraph (a) and added subdivision (b). The changes to (a) are stylistic and mirror the federal rule. The addition of (b), not included in Federal Rule of Evidence 106, codifies New Hampshire case law as set forth in State v. Lopez, 156 N.H. 416, 421 (2007).