Rule 25 - Jury instructions(a) All proposed jury instructions shall be in clear, legible type on clean, white, heavy paper, 8 1/2 by 11 inches in size, and not lighter than 16-Ib. weight with a black border line and no less than 24 numbered lines.(b) The signature line with the words "Justice of the Peace" typed thereunder, shall be placed on the right half of the page, a few lines below the last line of type on the last instruction. (See NRS 16.110.)(c) The designation "Instruction No.___" shall be nearthe lower left-hand corner of the page.(d) The original instructions shall not bear any markings identifying the attormey submitting the same, and shall not contain any citations of authority, except that such instructions may bear the numerical reference to Nevada Pattern Civil Jury Instructions. No portion thereof shall be in capital letters, underlined, or otherwise emphasized.(e) Authorities for any instruction must be attached to the original instructions by removable adhesive paper.(f) Any rejected instructions (i.e., submitted to the judge, but not delivered to the jury) shall be made a part of the case file as having been proposed.(g) Proposed jury instructions shall be submitted to the court by delivering the original to the judge's chambers no later than 3:00 p.m, 5 days before trial and attached to the trial statement, if any. Proposed jury instructions shall be personally served upon the opposing party, if the party maintains an office in Washoe County, on the same day that they are submitted to the court; otherwise, the opposing party shall be served on the first day of trial. A judge may order jury instructions to be submitted to the court at any other time. Non-stock instructions may be submitted at the close of evidence if the evidence so warrants.(h) Plaintiff's attormey shall prepare the stock instructions. Nev. R. Prac. Justice. Ct. Reno. Tow. 25
Added effective 5/2/2011; amendments through 2/5/2018.