Rule 11.08 - Authority and Duties upon Call for Temporary Duty A retired judge or commissioner may be called:
(a) to serve in this Court or in any district of the court of appeals as a special judge or special commissioner to sit with the court or any division thereof, and prepare and submit opinions to be promulgated as the opinions of the court when approved by a majority of the participating judges thereofor (b) to serve as a special commissioner to hear evidence and report findings of fact and conclusions of law in any case commenced by issuance of an original writor (c) to serve in a circuit court or court of common pleas as a referee to hear evidence and report findings of fact and conclusions of law in any designated case to the judge before whom any case is pending in which a reference is authorized under Rule 68 or (d) to serve as a special commissioner to take depositions under Rule 57.Mo. R. Gov. Bar Jud. 11.08
Adopted June 1, 1971, eff. 1/1/1972.