Rule 6.02 - [Effective 4/18/2024] ATTORNEY MUST BE RETAINED UNLESS EXCUSED(A) Every fiduciary must, unless licensed to practice law in Mississippi, retain an attorney or firm of attorneys to provide representation, advice, and assistance during the entire term of the fiduciary's appointment.(B) Compensation for the attorney shall be fixed and approved by the chancellor.(C) Once an attorney has entered an appearance for a fiduciary, in any respect, the attorney shall be permitted to withdraw only with the consent of the chancellor, with notice to the client and any adverse party as required by UCCR 1.08.(D) An attorney who is negligent or unfaithful in any respect may be discharged by order of the court on motion of the fiduciary or on motion of the court.(E) The chancellor may relieve a fiduciary of the obligation to retain an attorney in matters involving guardianship (of the person only), and in cases where the court finds that it will impose an undue or unnecessary financial burden on the ward's estate. All other duties of a fiduciary remain the same with or without representation.Amended effective 4/18/2024.