Miss. Ch. C. R. 8.05
Unless excused by Order of the Court for good cause shown, each party in every domestic case involving economic issues and/or property division shall provide the opposite party or counsel, if known, the following disclosures:
A party filing a document containing personal identifiers and/or sensitive information and data may (1) file an unredacted document under seal; this document shall be retained by the court as part of the record; or, (2) file a reference list under seal.
The reference list shall contain the complete personal data identifiers and/or the complete sensitive information and data required by this Rule.
The disclosures shall be made by the plaintiff not later than the time that the defendant's Answer is due, and by the defendant at the time that the defendant's Answer is due, but not later than 45 days from the date of the filing of the commencing pleading. The Court may extend or shorten the required time for disclosure upon written motion of one of the parties and upon good cause shown.
The disclosures shall include any and all assets and liabilities, whether marital or non-marital. A party is under a duty to supplement prior disclosures if that party knows that the disclosure, though correct when made, no longer accurately reflects any and all actual income and expenses and assets and liabilities, as required by this Rule.
When offered in a trial or a conference, the party offering the disclosure statement shall provide a copy of the disclosure statement to the Court, the witness and opposing counsel.
This rule shall not preclude any litigant from exercising the right of discovery, but duplicate effort shall be avoided.
The failure to observe this rule, without just cause, shall constitute contempt of Court for which the Court shall impose appropriate sanctions and penalties.
Link to pdf of Exhibits "A" and "B".
Miss. Ch. C. R. 8.05