1.1 The Chair of the Committee shall be elected by the five (5) voting members of the Committee.1.2 The Committee shall elect a Vice-Chair and Secretary from among its members.1.3 The Committee may organize itself into Subcommittees of not fewer than three (3) voting members for the purpose of considering and deciding matters submitted to them except three (3) votes shall be necessary for any action under Rule 6.1.4 Members of the Committee in the performance of their official duties, shall be reimbursed for expenses subject to reimbursement policies set by the Mississippi Judicial College which funds said reimbursements.1.5 The Committee may designate such staff as may be necessary and may further delegate executive authority to such staff to conduct the business of the Committee within the scope of the Rules and Regulations, subject at all times, however, to continual review by the Committee and available funding from the Mississippi Judicial College.Miss. R. & Regul. Mand. Cont. Judi. Educ., r. 1, Regulations
Regulations 1.1 and 1.2 amended effective 8/1/1994.