Miss. L. Coun. Ct. R. 17
The examination of witnesses shall be limited to the direct examination, the cross-examination, and the redirect examination concerning matters brought out on cross-examination. Only one attorney at a time shall be permitted to examine or cross-examine a witness.
In all cases the examination must be conducted in an orderly and decorous manner without improper interruptions from opposing counsel except for the purpose of interposing objections. Counsel and the witness must be courteous to each other. Counsel shall not abuse and mistreat the witness and the witness shall show counsel proper respect. If a witness shall attempt to evade or refuse to answer any proper question, the court will, on request of counsel, require the witness to answer. The breach of this paragraph of this rule shall constitute contempt and is punishable as such. All objections to testimony must be made to the judge and not to opposing counsel. The objection must be specific and not general. Counsel will not be permitted to argue between themselves. Irrespective of personal feeling opposing counsel shall be respectful to the court and to each other. The attorneys shall stand when addressing the court, examining witnesses, and addressing the jury except when excused for good cause by the court.
Leading questions will not be allowed by the party having the affirmative, except where proper, and specifically allowed; nor shall counsel be allowed to ask the witness again a question where there had been a full answer given to the question; but his rule shall not apply rigidly to cross-examination, where more latitude may be required to test the truthfulness, bias, or interest of the witness. And it shall be the duty of the court to enforce this rule of its own motion and without objection being made, but the courts failure so to do, where there is no objection made, will not constitute a ground for exception.
Miss. L. Coun. Ct. R. 17