(a) Motions not requiring testimony and which can be heard in less than fifteen (15) minutes shall be treated as non-contested matters and may be set for hearing and presented at the discretion of the assigned Chancellor.(b) Upon the filing of any post-trial or post-judgment motions, a copy of such motion shall be forwarded immediately to the presiding Chancellor and the filing attorney(s) shall subsequently set the motion for hearing and/or conference no later than forty-five (45) days after the filing of the motion(s). The failure of the filing attorney to have the matter set within this timeline may result in a denial and dismissal of the motion sua sponte at the discretion of the Chancellor.(c) Successive M.R.C.P. Rule 59 motions are not permitted. Once the Court has ruled on initial Rule 59 motion(s), neither party may file any more Rule 59 motion(s).Approved as amended by the Supreme Court by order entered 3/1/2023.