Miss. L. Chanc. Ct. R. Addendum
Attorneys and pro se litigants should verify settings in advance by consulting the docket on the District Web Page (www.chancery10.com)
Video conferencing is available, subject to prior court approval, for temporary hearings, motion hearings, settlement conferences, minor settlements and other ex parte matters.
All attorneys are expected to be familiar with the Uniform Chancery Court rules and particular attention is invited to the following:
Rule 1.08 Withdrawal of Counsel
Rule 1.10 Discovery Deadlines and PracticeRule
1.08 Withdrawal of Counsel Rule
1.10 Discovery Deadlines and Practice Rule
5.04 Judgment Must be Submitted to Opposing Counsel and Chancellor - When Rule
6.01 Attorney Must be Retained Rule
6.03 Fiduciary and Attorney Must be Diligent Rule
6.13 Pleadings Must be Sworn to Rule
8.05 Financial Statement Required Rule
8.06 Change of Address of Children
All attorneys are expected to be familiar with the Mississippi GAP Act which was implemented within this district as of July 1, 2019 and statewide on January 1, 2020. This Act repeals and replaces prior Mississippi statutes involving Guardianships and Conservatorships of minors and adults. These statutes can be located at § 93-20-101 through § 93-20-431.
Miss. L. Chanc. Ct. R. Addendum