Rule 17.02 - Nature and ContentsSubd. 1.Complaint. A complaint must be substantially in the form required by Rule 2.Subd. 2.Indictment. An indictment must contain a written statement of the essential facts constituting the offense charged and be signed by the grand jury foreperson.Subd. 3.Indictment and Complaint. For each count, the indictment or complaint must cite the statute, rule, regulation, or other provision of law the defendant allegedly violated. Error in the citation or its omission is not a ground to dismiss or reverse a conviction if the error or omission did not prejudice the defendant. Each count can charge only one offense. Allegations made in one count may be incorporated by reference in another count. An indictment or complaint may contain counts for the different degrees of the same offense, or counts for lesser or other included offenses. The same indictment or complaint may contain counts for murder and manslaughter. The indictment or complaint may allege in one count alternative theories of committing the offense or that the means by which the defendant committed the offense are unknown.Subd. 4.Administrative Information. The indictment or complaint must contain other administrative information as authorized and published by the State Court Administrator.