The purposes of the Complex Case Program ("CCP") are to promote effective and efficient judicial management of complex cases in the district courts, avoid unnecessary burdens on the court, keep costs reasonable for the litigants and to promote effective decision making by the court, the parties and counsel. The core principles that support the establishment of a mandatory CCP include:
(a) Early and consistent judicial management promotes efficiency. (b) Mandatory disclosure of relevant information, rigorously enforced by the court, will result in disclosure of facts and information necessary to avoid unnecessary litigation procedures and discovery. (c) Blocking complex cases to a single judge from the inception of the case results in the best case management. (d) Firm trial dates result in better case management and more effective use of the parties' resources, with continuances granted only for good cause. (e) Education and training for both judges and court staff will assist with the management of complex cases.Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 146.01