Those persons who are licensed to practice law in this state shall constitute the membership of the State Bar of Michigan, subject to the provisions of these rules. Law students may become section members of the State Bar Law Student Section. None other than a member's correct name shall be entered upon the official register of attorneys of this state. Each member, upon admission to the State Bar and in the annual licensing statement, must provide the State Bar with:
(A) The member's correct name, physical address, and email address, that can be used, among other things, for the annual licensing statement and to effectuate electronic service as authorized by court rule, and such additional information as may be required. If the physical address provided is a mailing address only, the member also must provide a street or building address for the member's business or residence. No member shall practice law in this state until the information required in this Rule has been provided. Members shall promptly notify the State Bar in writing of any change of name, physical address, or email address. The State Bar shall be entitled to due notice of, and to intervene and be heard in, any proceeding by a member to alter or change the member's name. The name and address on file with the State Bar at the time shall control in any matter arising under these rules involving the sufficiency of notice to a member or the propriety of the name used by the member in the practice of law or in a judicial election or in an election for any other public office.(B) A certification as to whether the member is in private practice. The signed certification shall be placed on the annual licensing statement and shall require the member's signature or electronic signature. If the member is in private practice, the certification must also include: (1) whether the member or the member's law firm has a policy to maintain interest-bearing trust accounts for deposit of client and third-party funds; and(2) beginning in 2023, a designation of the attorney's Interim Administrator, as required by Rule 21. If the attorney is designating his or her own Interim Administrator, the designation must include the name and address of the active Michigan attorney in good standing or a Michigan law firm that includes at least one other Michigan attorney in good standing, who will serve, if needed, as the member's Interim Administrator.(C) An indication whether the member is willing to be placed on the State Bar's list of members who agree to serve as Interim Administrator for other members. Amended effective 9/1/2023.