Mich. Admin. Ord. Administrative Order No. 2017-1
In light of an attorney discipline system reserve of about $5 million, the Court lowered the discipline portion of the State Bar of Michigan annual dues from $120 to $110 (in 2011) and then to $90 (in 2014), intending that those reserve funds be used to offset annual operating expenses until the fund was reduced to a more reasonable level. With the reserve now projected to be approximately $1.86 million by the end of fiscal year 2016-2017, the Court has determined that bar dues should be restored, albeit in a phased-in fashion.
Therefore, on order of the Court, the amount of discipline dues is increased to $105 in the 2017-18 fiscal year, and further increased to $120 in the 2018-19 fiscal year, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. These changes will be reflected in the dues notices that are communicated to all bar members under Rule 4 of the Rules Concerning the State Bar.
Mich. Admin. Ord. Administrative Order No. 2017-1