Cross reference: Citation of unreported opinions is governed by Rule 1-104.
Cross reference: Rule 8-111(b).
A Certification of Word Count and Compliance with Rule 8-112 shall be substantially in the following form:
Cross reference: For requirements concerning the form of a brief, see Rule 8-112.
Cross reference: See Rules 8-121, 8-122, 8-123, and 8-124.
Committee note: Rule 8-501(j) allows a party to include in an appendix to a brief any material that inadvertently was omitted from the record extract.
Md. R. Rev. Ct. App. & Spec. App. 8-504
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (a) is derived from former Rules 831 c and d and 1031 c 1 through 5 and d 1 through 5, with the exception of subsection (a)(6) which is derived from FRAP 28(a)(5).
Section (b) is derived in part from Fed. R. App. P. 32 and former Rule 1031 c 6 and d 6, and is in part new.
Section (c) is derived from former Rules 831 g and 1031 f.
1999 Orders
The December 16, 1999, order, in section (a) added a reference to Rule 8-112; deleted the cross reference following section (a); and amended the source note.
2001 Orders
The March 5, 2001, order in section (b), rewrote the subsection caption and rewrote the first sentence, which read:
"(b) In the Court of Special Appeals--Extract of Instructions of Opinions in Criminal Cases. In criminal cases in the Court of Special Appeals, the appellant shall reproduce, as an appendix to the brief, the pertinent part of any jury instructions or opinion of the lower court that deals with points raised by the appellant on appeal.
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, order added the cross reference following subsec. (a)(1); and added the committee note following section (b).
2009 Orders
The September 10, 2009, order, in section (b), inserted "Unless the material is included in the record extract pursuant to Rule 8-501,.
2011 Orders
The September 8, 2011, order inserted section (a)(5); and redesignated former sections (a)(5) to (a)(8) as sections (a)(6) to (a)(9).
2016 Orders
The December 13, 2016, order, required that an appendix to a brief in certain appellate proceedings be separate from the brief and filed under seal.