Md. R. Evid. 5-703
Md. R. Evid. 5-703
Sections (a) and (b) of this Rule are derived from F.R.Ev. 703. Sections (c) and (d) are derived from Ky.R.Ev. 703(b) and (c).
< For validity of section, see Derr v. State, 422 Md. 211, 29 A.3d 533.>
2019 Orders
The May 15, 2019 order changed the title consistent with Fed. R. Evid. 703, deleted current section (a), added new sections (a) and (b) based on Fed. R. Evid. 703, replaced the current Committee note with a new Committee note, and made stylistic changes.
Committee note: This Rule is derived from Fed. R. Evid. 703, except that it clarifies that the court must make the requisite findings on the record, which the Court, in Lamalfa v. Hearn, 457 Md. 350 (2018) declared to be a "best practice. Disclosure of inadmissible evidence to a jury is an exception to the normal rule, and if a timely objection is made, the proponent should have the burden of convincing the judge that the conditions stated in the Rule are satisfied, and the judge should make that finding on the record so that, in the event of an appeal, the appellate court will have a basis to review the trial court's decision. An appellate court may find that the failure to make timely objection constitutes a waiver.