Cross reference: Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 10-103.
Md. Crim. Causes. 4-503
This Rule is derived from former Rule EX3 a and c 1 and 2.
2002 Orders
The January 8, 2002, order amended the cross reference following section (a).
2007 Orders
The December 4, 2007, order, rewrote section (a); and added a Committee note following section (d). Section (a) previously read:
(a) Scope and Venue. An application for expungement of police records may be filed by any person who has been arrested, detained, or confined by a law enforcement agency, and has subsequently been released without having been charged with a crime, if (1) the applicant has first served on the law enforcement agency that arrested, detained, or confined the applicant a notice and request for expungement in the form set forth at the end of this Title as Form 4-503.1, which, if served within three years after the applicant's arrest, detention, or confinement, shall be accompanied by a duly executed General Waiver and Release in the form set forth as Form 4-503.2; and (2) the request for expungement has been denied or has not been acted upon within 60 days after its receipt. The application shall be filed in the District Court for the county in which the applicant was first arrested, detained, or confined.
Committee note: Law enforcement units will automatically expunge records pertaining to arrests, detentions, and confinements occurring on or after October 1, 2007 that do not result in a criminal charge. If the person who has been arrested, detained, or confined does not receive a notice of expungement from the law enforcement unit within 60 days after the person's release or does not receive a writing from the law enforcement unit within 60 days of the notice advising the person of compliance with the order to expunge, the person may seek redress by means of any appropriate legal remedy and recover court costs. See Code, Criminal Procedure Article, § 10-103.1.