Committee note: One of the purposes of registration is to help ensure that electronic submissions are not filed in actions by persons who are not authorized to file them. See Rule 20-201(b). It is important for the MDEC system to know, to the extent possible, whether a person seeking to file a submission or to access, through MDEC, documents in an action, is who the person purports to be.
This is particularly important with respect to attorneys, who have greater ability to file submissions and access case records than other members of the public. As part of the registration process, attorney-applicants are required to supply a unique attorney number so that MDEC will know they are attorneys. Other kinds of information may be necessary to identify non-attorneys. See section (e) of this Rule with respect to multiple registrations.
Committee note: Some attorneys or other registered users may be part-time employees of a public agency and be registered through that agency to file submissions on behalf of the agency but also may wish to file submissions on behalf of private clients or on behalf of themselves as parties to their own litigation. In those situations, the individual will need to have more than one registration--one when acting for the public agency and one when acting in a private capacity. There may be individuals other than attorneys who may need to have more than one registration.
Md. R. Elec. Fil'g & Case Mgmt. 20-104
This Rule is new.
2017 Orders
The June 20, 2017 order, added the words "and Necessity to the tagline of section (a); added a new subsection (a)(2), which provides that only a registered user may file submissions electronically in an MDEC action; added language to subsection (b), which provides that the on-line application form may require information that the State Court Administrator finds necessary to identify the applicant and may require certain information about an applicant's previous registration; added a Committee note after subsection (b)(2); deleted a provisions pertaining to unique identification numbers; deleted language in section (e) pertaining to cancellation of user registration and reapplication for user registration; authorized the registration of an individual in multiple capacities under certain circumstances; added a Committee note after section (e); and made stylistic changes.