Md. R. Spec. Proc. 15-309
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (a) is derived from former Rules Z46 b and Z48.
Section (b) is derived from Rule 15-1104(d).
2009 Orders
The September 10, 2009, order, added a cross reference following the rule.
2011 Orders
The June 7, 2011, order rewrote this rule, which read:
"Upon the production of the individual confined or restrained, the judge shall conduct a hearing immediately to inquire into the legality and propriety of the individual's confinement or restraint. The individual confined or restrained for whom the writ is issued may offer evidence to prove the lack of legal justification for the confinement or restraint, and evidence may be offered on behalf of the person having custody to refute the claim.
Maryland Rule of Procedure Z46, adopted Sept. 15, 1961, eff. Jan. 1, 1962, related to procedure following issuance of writs of habeas corpus, rescinded June 5, 1996, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.
Maryland Rule of Procedure Z48, adopted Sept. 15, 1961, eff. Jan. 1, 1962, related to defenses, rescinded June 5, 1996, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.