(a)Fund. There is established the Maine Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection (hereinafter "the Fund") for the purpose of reimbursing in whole or in part claimants for losses caused by dishonest conduct committed by lawyers admitted to practice in this State. (b)Board of Trustees. There is established, under the supervision of the Supreme Judicial Court, the Maine Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection Board of Trustees (hereinafter "the Trustees"), which shall receive, hold, and manage all monies allocated to the Fund; process all claims against the Fund and make any disbursements from the Fund. (c)Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Fund shall run from July 1 to June 30. (d)Effective Date. These rules shall be effective on July 1, 1997. The Trustees shall pay only claims for dishonest conduct occurring after January 1, 1999. Me. R. Clnt. Prot. Fund 2