Rule XXIII - The Judiciary Commission
- Section 1 - Authorization
- Section 2 - Definitions
- Section 3 - Complaints, Inquiries, and Investigations
- Section 4 - Formal Proceedings
- Section 5 - Citations, Subpoenas, and Other Process Issued by the Commission
- Section 6 - Notice of Hearing Date
- Section 7 - Hearing Place
- Section 8 - Appearance of the Judge
- Section 9 - Judge's Right to Defend
- Section 10 - Post Hearing Commission Action
- Section 11 - Commission Record
- Section 12 - Transmittal of Commission Recommendation
- Section 13 - Post Hearing Evidence
- Section 14 - Briefing for the Court
- Section 15 - Arguments by Special Counsel and Respondent Counsel
- Section 16 - Citations, Subpoenas, and Other Process Issued by the Clerk of the Court
- Section 17 - Method of Service of Citations, Subpoenas, and Other Process
- Section 18 - Limits on the Number of Witnesses
- Section 19 - Method of Taking Testimony
- Section 20 - Contempt
- Section 21 - Rule-making Authority of the Commission
- Section 22 - Calculation and Payment of Costs
- Section 23 - Confidentiality
- Section 24 - Commission Chief Executive Officer
- Section 25 - Judicial and Attorney Discipline
- Section 26 - Reinstatement of Eligibility to Qualify for Judicial Office Following Removal
- Section 27 - Interim Disqualification
- Section 28 - Practice Limitation During Suspension or Disqualification
- Section 29 - Hearing Officers
- Section 31 - Deferred Recommendation of Discipline Agreement (§ 31)
- Section 30 - Discipline by Consent.
- Section 32 - Immunity
- Section 33 - Limitations on Former Attorney Members
- Section 34 - Removal of Members of the Commission