Section 14 - Limited Admission for In-House Counsel(A) A lawyer admitted and authorized to practice law in another state or territory of the United States may receive a limited license to practice law in this state when the lawyer is employed in Louisiana as a lawyer exclusively for: a corporation, its subsidiaries or affiliates; an association; and/or a business which consists of activities other than the practice of law or the provision of legal services, if the lawyer: (1) Has filed an application for a limited license pursuant to this Rule with the Committee on Bar Admissions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana containing the following: (a) A written application in the form prescribed by the Committee; (b) A sworn statement that either: (i) no complaints with any disciplinary authority are pending in any jurisdiction and that no charges of professional misconduct are pending against the applicant in any jurisdiction; or (ii) if any such complaints or charges are pending, full details of the complaints or charges, and the current status of same; (c) Information which indicates that the applicant meets the requirements of subparts (A), (B), (C), and (D) of Rule XVII, Section 3;(d) An affidavit from an officer, director or general counsel of the applicant's employer in this state attesting the fact that the applicant is employed as a lawyer exclusively for the employer, that the applicant is an individual of good moral character, and that the nature of the employment conforms to the requirements of this Rule;(e) The National Conference of Bar Examiners Character Report. (i) If the applicant has completed an NCBE character report within three years of the application for limited licensure, the prior report may be submitted in lieu of a new report. (ii) In the event a prior NCBE report is submitted, the applicant shall also append to the prior report the NCBE Supplemental Character Report. (f) The non-refundable prescribed application fee set by the Supreme Court of Louisiana; (2) Otherwise meets the character and fitness requirements of this Rule and the Committee on Bar Admissions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana; and (3) Receives the recommendation and approval of the Committee on Bar Admissions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana. (B) The application, affidavits, and other materials, including the report of character and fitness, shall be reviewed by the Committee on Bar Admissions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana. The Louisiana Supreme Court , in its discretion , may issue the limited license to practice law in the State of Louisiana based on the recommendations and approval of the Committee on Bar Admissions. (C) Licensure pursuant to the Rule is not a matter of right and shall be granted only in those cases where the public interest, considering the character, background and employment of the applicant, is furthered by issuing a license. In the event the Committee does not recommend the limited licensure of an applicant, the applicant may then appeal in accordance with Rule XVII, Section 9. (D) The license issued pursuant to this Rule only authorizes the lawyer to practice exclusively for the employer filing the affidavit required by subpart (A)(1)(d) of this rule. Nothing in this rule or in this subpart shall be deemed to allow court appearances by any lawyer who has been issued a limited license pursuant to this rule. Any such appearance, or contemplated appearance, by a lawyer who has been issued a limited license pursuant to this rule shall be governed by rules and procedures applicable to pro hac vice admission. (E) A limited license issued pursuant to this Rule shall be valid for four years from the date of issuance. The license is automatically terminated if the lawyer is admitted to the practice of law pursuant to any other provisions of Rule XVII. The license is automatically suspended if the lawyer's employment by the employer filing the affidavit required by subpart (A)(1)(d) of this rule is terminated. If a lawyer's employment is terminated but the lawyer is immediately thereafter employed by an employer filing the affidavit required by subpart (A)(1)(d) of this rule, the limited license shall be reinstated for the remainder of the period of four years from the date the license originally was issued. (F) A limited license issued pursuant to this Rule may be renewed for a successive four year period by filing the written application required by the Committee. The application shall be filed at least ninety days prior to the expiration of the current license. For good cause shown, the Court may permit the late filing of an application. The application shall include at least the following: (1) The licensee's sworn statement that no complaints with any disciplinary authority are pending and that no charges of professional misconduct are pending against the licensee in any jurisdiction. Alternatively, if any such complaints or charges are pending or any disciplinary action has been taken against the licensee in any jurisdiction, full details of the complaint and charges, the current status of the complaint or charges, and the disposition thereof, if not currently pending, shall be set forth; (2) An affidavit from an officer, director or general counsel of the licensee's employer in this state attesting the fact that the licensee remains employed as a lawyer exclusively for the employer and that the nature of the employment continues to conform to the requirements of this Rule; (3) An affidavit from the licensee setting forth any changes in information from that provided in his or her immediately preceding application pursuant to this Rule or attesting that there are no such changes; (4) The NCBE Supplemental Character Report; (5) The application for renewal shall be accompanied by the non-refundable fee approved by the Court. (G) A lawyer admitted pursuant to this Rule is required to pay the annual Disciplinary Assessment required of attorneys admitted to practice three years or more pursuant to La. S. Ct. Rule XIX, Section 8; and Louisiana State Bar Association annual dues pursuant to Article V of the Articles of Incorporation of the Louisiana State Bar Association during the period of the limited license. (H) A lawyer admitted pursuant to this rule shall be subject to the Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct and to the disciplinary authority of the courts and the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board. (I) A lawyer admitted pursuant to this rule shall comply with the annual registration requirements contained in Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XIX, §8.(J) A lawyer admitted pursuant to this Rule is required to meet the continuing legal education requirements specified in La. S. Ct. Rule XXX. PART II. An appendix to Rule XVII of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Louisiana is hereby enacted to read as follows:
Part A. Bar Admission Fees
The following fees relating to admission to the Louisiana State Bar Association are hereby approved:
I. Bar Examination Application Fee to be paid to the Committee on Bar Admissions - $550.II. Law Student Registration Fee to be paid to the Committee on Bar Admissions - $25. III. Any and all fees assessed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. IV. Late Filing Fee to be paid to the Committee on Bar Admissions - $750. V. Late Law Student Application Fee to be paid to the Committee on Bar Admissions by bar applicants who were enrolled in one of the ABA accredited law schools in this state, and who could have, but did not, participate in the Law Student Registration Program - $200. VI. For applicants who elect to take the Part I examination by laptop computer, any and all additional fees assessed by the Committee on Bar Admissions and/or the computer testing service provider retained by the Committee on Bar Admissions, in connection with the administration of the Part I examination by laptop computer. All fees are non-refundable except that a member of the military who is called to service after submitting fees may request a refund. [Added effective November 19, 2002, amended effective January 1, 2003, amended effective August 1, 2007.]
Part B. Transition Rules
1. Law Student Registration Program - Section 4(A) shall initially apply to law students entering the second year of law school in Fall 1999. An Application packet may be obtained from the Administrator of the Committee on Bar Admissions. The Application Packet must be completed and returned to the Administrator of the Committee on Bar Admissions in accordance with Section 4(A). Section 4(A) shall not be applicable to law students entering the third year of law school in Fall 1999. 2. Application for Admission to the Bar - Section 4(C) shall initially apply to applicants for the bar examination to be administered in February, 2000. Application Packets may be obtained from the Administrator of the Committee on Bar Admissions and must be submitted to the Administrator no later than November 1, 1999. Applicants for the bar examination to be administered in July 2000 shall obtain and submit Application Packets not later than February 1, 2000. Thereafter applicants who have participated in the Law Student Registration Program shall submit a supplemental report in accordance with Section 4(C). [added May 6, 1999 to become effective August 1, 1999.]
PART III. These amendments shall become effective on August 1, 1999, and shall remain in full force and effect thereafter until amended or changed under the authority of future orders of this Court.
Part C. Application for Pro Hac Vice Admission in Louisiana
Part D. Transitional Rules Pertaining to In-House Counsel Rule [effective April 1, 2005]
Section 1. No lawyer who is acting or has acted as in-house counsel in this state on or prior to the effective date of the in-house counsel rule shall be denied admission pursuant to this rule solely because of the lawyer's failure to otherwise seek admission under this rule if an application pursuant to this rule is filed prior to July 1, 2005. Failure to apply prior to July 1, 2005 may be grounds for the denial of an application. Section 2. The following fees relating to the limited admission of in-house counsel in Louisiana be and are hereby approved: I. Application fee to be paid to the Committee on Bar Admissions - $300.00 II. Any and all fees assessed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners Section 3. Lawyers subject to the in-house counsel rule shall first be required to pay the annual disciplinary assessment, annual Bar Association dues, and comply with the annual registration requirement for the period beginning on July 1, 2005. All persons who are subject to the in-house counsel rule shall comply with continuing legal education requirements for calendar year 2005 and thereafter. Section 4. These Rules shall be enacted and published as Part D of the Appendix to Louisiana Supreme Court Rule XVII.