I, _____________________, do solemnly swear that I will, as an applicant who has been temporarily admitted under Supreme Court Rule 2.116, Supervised Practice of Law Pending Admission, support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; that cognizant of the trust placed in me and the responsibility it carries, I will conduct myself in all matters to the extent given me as an officer of the court with the utmost fidelity towards the court and all persons whose affairs are in any way entrusted to me; that I will neither take part in deception of the court, nor allow deception to take place, and should any be practiced will inform the court; that I subscribe to and will abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct as adopted by the Supreme Court of Kentucky; and that I will so exercise these privileges given me that it may be alike useful in the service of justice and in my preparation to assume full responsibility later as a member of the bar.
Bar Applicant
The above and foregoing Oath was sworn to and subscribed to by the above-named Bar Applicant and administered to him/her by me, on this _____ day of ___________, 20___.
My Commission expires: _______________.
Ky. R. Sup. Ct. SCR 2.116