Rule SCR 2.112 - Limited admission for attorney participants in a public defender program, legal services program, or Office of a Commonwealth's or County Attorney(1)Scope. This rule applies to an attorney who is not a member of the Bar of this Commonwealth but who, after having completed the study of law in a law school approved by the American Bar Association or by the Association of American Law Schools and having been admitted to practice in the highest Court of another state, wishes to become an employee of an organized public defender program, the office of a Commonwealth's Attorney or County Attorney, or an organized legal services program in this Commonwealth providing legal assistance to indigent persons. (2)General Rule. An attorney to whom this rule applies shall be admitted to practice before the Courts of this Commonwealth in all matters within the professional responsibility of an organized public defender program, the Office of a Commonwealth's or County Attorney, or an organized legal services program which program is sponsored, approved or recognized by the Kentucky Bar Association. Admission to practice under this rule shall be limited to the matters specified in the preceding sentence. An application for admission to practice under this rule shall include or be accompanied by: (a) A certificate of the highest Court or agency of any other state having jurisdiction over admission to the bar and the practice of law stating that the applicant is in good standing at the bar of such Court or in such state.(b) A statement signed by the Commonwealth's or County Attorney, or a representative of the public defender program or legal services program, that has employed the attorney, showing compliance with paragraph (1) of this rule. Any such statement shall also acknowledge the duty of the office or the program to notify the Clerk of the Supreme Court immediately whenever the attorney ceases to be an employee of such program.(c) Such other affidavits or materials as shall be deemed necessary by the Character and Fitness Committee in order to satisfy the Committee of the applicant's moral character and fitness to practice before the Court of this Commonwealth.(d) Payment of a fee of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) made payable to the Kentucky Office of Bar Admissions (cashier's or certified check or money order).(3)Subscription and Action. The application for admission shall be subscribed to by a member of the bar of this Commonwealth in good standing. If the application and related documents are in proper order and if the Character and Fitness Committee finds that the applicant has the moral character and fitness to practice before the Courts of this Commonwealth, the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall enter the name of the applicant upon the docket of persons specially admitted to the bar of this Commonwealth subject to the restrictions of this rule and shall issue an appropriate certificate in evidence thereof. (4)Expiration of Admission. When an attorney admitted under this rule ceases to be associated in the program or office for which limited admission was granted, a representative of the public defender program or legal services program or office of Commonwealth's or County Attorney shall immediately and in writing so notify the Clerk of the Supreme Court. Admission to practice under this rule shall expire (i) after 18 months or at the end of any renewal period of the 18-month term as provided for herein, or (ii) upon termination of the attorney's employment with the program or office, whichever shall first occur. The admission to practice under this rule for 18 months may be extended and renewed for additional terms of 18 months in the same manner as originally granted but only until such time as the attorney is otherwise eligible to obtain admission to practice in the Commonwealth of Kentucky without examination by reason of reciprocity or comity pursuant to SCR 2.110. (5)Rules Governing the Practice of Law. Except for Rules 2.110 and 3.030(2), the Rules governing the practice of law shall be applicable to an attorney admitted under this rule. Ky. R. Sup. Ct. SCR 2.112
Amended by order 2022-11, eff. 4/1/2022; amended by Order 2013-12, eff. 1/1/2014; prior amendments eff. 1/1/2002 (Order 2001-2); 2/1/2000 (Order 99-1), 3/1/1998 (Order 97-3), 10/1/1994 (Order 94-1), 2/24/1986; adopted eff. 6/1/1979; amended by Order 2009-12, eff. 1/1/2010