Rule 70.403 - Contracted services referral process70.403(1)Referral requirements. The juvenile court officer or other approved referral source shall:a. Determine which service provider can best meet the child's needs.b. Complete the referral form, as applicable, and follow the district's referral approval process.c. Assist in the child's transition to receive the service.d. Follow up after the service has been provided.70.403(2)Monitoring of service delivery. The juvenile court officer, or other approved referral source, shall monitor the delivery of services to children for whom the referral was made.a. The juvenile court officer, or other approved referral source, shall review provider progress reports and maintain contact with the child, the child's family, the provider, and other community agencies to adequately assess the child's progress and need for service.b. The referring juvenile court officer, the provider, the child, or the child's representatives may report problems in service delivery to the chief juvenile court officer or designee.70.403(3)Payment methodology. Rates for services shall be established through a service contract between the provider and the chief juvenile court officer based on the provider's proposed budget. Rates may vary among providers for various types of services. The payment methodology and contract maximum shall be specified in the contract.70.403(4)Provider standards. Providers shall have a contract with juvenile court services for services and agree to abide by all contract requirements, including, but not limited to, reporting, payment methodology, record retention, and billing and payment procedures. Providers of these services shall meet all of the following conditions:a. Be selected and approved by the chief juvenile court officer or designee within each judicial district to provide the contracted services.b. Use staff who, in the opinion of the chief juvenile court officer, have the necessary training and qualifications to provide quality services.c. Make any changes to curriculum as requested by the chief juvenile court officer or designee.d. Provide services to eligible children in the settings most suited to each child's needs.70.403(5)Performance and outcome measures.a. Each contract shall detail expected performance measures for the services provided.b. Each contract shall detail expected outcomes of the service requirements for each child.c. The provider shall report data as required in the service contract.d. Juvenile court services shall determine preservice and postservice measures needed to track and record outcomes.Iowa. R. Juv. Ct. Serv. Direct. Prog. 70.403
Court Order December 2, 2022, effective 7/1/2023.