Chapter 31 - Admission to the Bar
- Rule 31.1 - Board of law examiners
- Rule 31.2 - Registration by law students
- Rule 31.3 - Required examinations
- Rule 31.4 - Admission by transferred UBE score
- Rule 31.5 - Bar examination application; contents and deadlines
- Rule 31.6 - Fee
- Rule 31.7 - Affidavit of intent to practice
- Rule 31.8 - Degree requirement
- Rule 31.9 - Moral character and fitness
- Rule 31.10 - Preservation of anonymity
- Rule 31.11 - Supreme court review
- Rule 31.12 - Admission of attorneys from other jurisdictions; requirements and fees
- Rule 31.13 - Proofs of qualifications; oath or affirmation
- Rule 31.14 - Admission pro hac vice before Iowa courts and administrative agencies
- Rule 31.15 - Permitted practice by law students and recent graduates
- Rule 31.16 - Registration of house counsel
- Rule 31.17 - Provision of legal services following determination of major disaster
- Rule 31.18 - Licensing and practice of foreign legal consultants
- Rule 31.19 - Certification and pro bono participation of emeritus attorneys
- Rule 31.20 to 31.24 - Reserved
- Rule 31.25 - Forms