The hourly rate set forth in this rule is subject to review and adjustment on a biennial basis by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration (IOJA). Beginning July 1, 2002, and July 1st of each even year thereafter, the CAO will announce the hourly rate for defense counsel appointed in capital cases filed or remanded after appeal on or after January 1, of the years following the announcement. The hourly rate will be calculated using the Gross Domestic Product Implicit Price Deflator, as announced by the United States Department of Commerce, for the last two years ending December 31st preceding the announcement. The calculation by the CAO must be rounded to the next closest whole dollar.
In the event the appointing judge determines that the rate of compensation is not representative of practice in the community, the appointing judge may request the CAO of the IOJA to authorize payment of a different hourly rate of compensation in a specific case. (2) Support Services and Incidental Expenses. Counsel appointed at an hourly rate in a capital case must be provided, upon an ex parte showing to the trial court of reasonableness and necessity, with adequate funds for investigative, expert, and other services necessary to prepare and present an adequate defense at every stage of the proceeding, including the sentencing phase. In addition to the hourly rate provided in this rule, all counsel must be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary incidental expenses approved by the trial judge. Counsel may seek advance authorization from the trial judge, ex parte, for specific incidental expenses.
Full-time salaried capital public defenders must be provided with adequate funds for investigative, expert, and other services necessary to prepare and present an adequate defense at every stage of the proceeding, including the sentencing phase, as determined by the head of the local public defender agency or office, or in the event there is no agency or office, by the trial judge as set forth above.
Each year, by July 1, those counties wishing to utilize full-time salaried capital public defenders for capital cases must submit to the CAO of the IOJA the salary and benefits proposed to be paid the capital public defenders for the upcoming year along with the salaries and benefits paid to lead prosecutors and prosecutors serving as co-counsel assigned capital cases in the county in the thirty-six months prior to July 1, or a certification that no such prosecutor assignments were made. The CAO must verify and confirm to the Indiana Public Defender Commission and the requesting county that the proposed salary and benefits are in compliance with this rule. In the event a county determines that the rate of compensation set forth herein is not representative of practice in the community, the county may request the CAO to authorize a different salary for a specific year.
Contemporaneously with the service of the order setting the date of execution to the parties listed in this section, the trial court must forward to Supreme Court Services a copy of the order, with a certification by the clerk of the court that the parties listed in this section were served a copy of the order setting the date of execution.
The hourly rate set forth above must be subject to review and adjustment as set forth in section (C)(1).
In the event the appointing judge determines that this rate of compensation is not representative of practice in the community, the appointing judge may request the CAO of the IOJA to authorize payment of a different hourly rate of compensation in a specific case.
Ind. R. Crim. P. 6.1