Rule 12 - Proof of Service in the Trial and Reviewing Courts; Effective Date of Service(a)Filing. When service of a document is required, proof of service shall be filed with the clerk.(b)Manner of Proof. Service is proved: (1) in the case of electronic service through the court electronic filing manager or an approved electronic filing service provider, by an automated verification of electronic service, specifying the time of transmission and e-mail address of each recipient; (2) in the case of service by e-mail, by certification under section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the person who initiated the transmission, stating the date of transmission and the e-mail address of each recipient;(3) by written acknowledgment from the person served;(4) in case of service by personal, office, or residential delivery, by certification under section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the person who made delivery, stating the time and place of delivery;(5) in case of service by mail or by delivery to a third-party commercial carrier, by certification under section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the person who deposited the document in the mail or delivered the document to a third-party commercial carrier or courier, stating the time and place of mailing or delivery, the complete address that appeared on the envelope or package, and the fact that proper postage or the delivery charge was prepaid; (6) in case of service by mail by a self-represented litigant residing in a correctional facility, by certification under section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the person who deposited the document in the institutional mail, stating the time and place of deposit and the complete address to which the document was to be delivered;(c)Effective Date of Service. Service by electronic means or by personal, office, or residential delivery is complete on the day of transmission. Service by delivery to a third-party commercial carrier or courier is complete on the third court day after delivery of the package to the third-party carrier. Service by U.S. mail is complete four days after mailing.Amended effective 7/1/1971, and7/1/1975; amended October 30, 1992, effective 11/15/1992; amended December 29, 2009, effective immediately; amended Dec. 21, 2012, eff. 1/1/2013; amended Jan. 4, 2013, eff. immediately; amended September 19, 2014, eff. immediately; amended Dec. 9, 2015, eff. 1/1/2016; amended Oct. 6, 2016, eff. 11/1/2016; amended June 22, 2017, eff. 7/1/2017.Committee Comments
(December 29, 2009)
The rules on service and filing have been revised to provide for sending documents via third-party commercial carrier. Under these rules, the term "delivery" refers to all the carrier's standard pick-up methods, such as dropping a package in a UPS or FedEx box or with a UPS or FedEx contractor.