Rule 14.02 - Procedures for Real Estate Tax CasesA. The caption of each cause shall bear the Will County Property Index Number for the parcels of real estate for which relief is sought or otherwise affected by the proceedings, the name of the owner thereof and the party seeking the relief; except, those cases relating to corporate levy and rate objections and Petitions for Certificates of Error which shall set forth the Property Index Number, name of the owner, and party seeking relief in the body of the pleading filed.B. Upon the filing of any objection of a Tax Assessment or corporate levy and rate, the Circuit Clerk shall:1. Set the objection for a pretrial conference before the Judge assigned to hear such objection at a time specified by the Office of the Chief Judge on the 56th day thereafter unless such day is a legal holiday in which event it shall be the next Court day after the 56th day; and,2. Transmit copies of such objections the Offices of the State s Attorney, County Clerk and County Treasurer with a certification by the Clerk that the objection has been set for pretrial conference as hereinabove required. A copy of said certification to be given to the objector at the time of filing.3. The objector and State's Attorney shall appear at the pretrial conference in person or by counsel with all proof required to sustain or overrule the objection. Failure of any party to appear without cause may result in an adverse judgment.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Will Cnty. 14.02
Effective 11/30/2015; Revised 10/1/2023.