Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Lake Cnty. 7-3.05

As amended through December 2, 2024
Rule 7-3.05 - Mediator Qualifications
A. Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Mediators. The Chief Judge shall maintain a list of mediators who have been certified by the Court and who have registered for appointment. For certification, a mediator of Nineteenth Judicial Circuit civil matters in Chancery or seeking an amount in excess of eligibility for Small Claims in this circuit must:
1. Complete a mediation training program approved by the Chief Judge; and
2. Be a member in good standing of the Illinois Bar with at least eight years of practice or a retired Judge; and
3. Be of good moral character; and
4. Submit an application that is approved by the Chief Judge or his designee.
B.Mediator General Standards. In each case, the mediator shall comply with such general standards as may, from time to time, be established and promulgated in writing by the Chief Judge.
C.Decertification of Mediators. The eligibility of each mediator to retain the status of a certified mediator shall be periodically reviewed by the Chief Judge and in any event no longer than three years after date of appointment. Failure to adhere to this Local Court Rule governing mediation or the general standards provided for above may result in the decertification of the mediator, by the Chief Judge or his designee.
D. Mediation in Other Case Types. The qualifications of mediators in other civil matters shall be as provided by Local Court Rule or by Administrative Order.

Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Lake Cnty. 7-3.05

Amended effective 10/24/2016.