(a)File date.(1) For purposes of filing by electronic transmission, a "day" begins at 12:01 a.m. and ends at midnight in the time zone where the court is located on the day the document must be filed. If electronic transmission of a document is submitted and received before midnight it will be considered filed on that day, unless that date is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, in which case it is deemed filed on the next available business day. For any questions of timeliness, the time and date registered by the electronic filing system will be determinative. For documents electronically filed, the date and time that the filer submits the electronic filing will serve as the filing date and time for purposes of meeting the statute of limitations or any other filing deadlines, even if placed into an error queue for additional processing.(2) If the document is accepted for filing, the date and time of filing entered in the register of actions relate back to the date and time the electronic filing system received the document. When the document is accepted for filing, the electronic filing system will affix the date and time of submission on the document as the date and time of filing of the document. When the document is accepted for filing, the electronic filing system will electronically notify the filer.(b)Proposed orders. Aproposed order is not file-stamped unless it is signed by the judge after review.Id. R. Elec. Fil'g. & Serv. 12
Adopted April 15, 2019, effective 7/1/2019.