Haw. R. Dist. Ct. 23
Within 10 days after decision of the court awarding any judgment or order that requires settlement and approval by the court, the prevailing party, unless otherwise ordered by the court, shall prepare a judgment or order in accordance with the decision, attempt to secure the approval as to form of opposing parties thereon, and following such approval file it with the court electronically or, if the case is not within the JIMS, deliver an original paper document and 1 copy to the court. If there is no objection to the form of a proposed judgment, or order, the party shall promptly approve as to form. In the event a proposed judgment or order is not approved as to form by an opposing party within 5 days of a written request for such approval, the prevailing party shall file electronically, pursuant to the Hawai'i Electronic Filing and Service Rules or, if exempt, shall deliver the original and 1 copy to the court along with notice of service on all parties and serve a copy thereof upon each party who has appeared in the action. If any party objects to a proposed judgment or order, the objecting party shall within 5 days thereafter, serve upon the prevailing party and deliver to the court a statement of the party's objections and the reasons therefor, and the party's proposed judgment or order; and in such event, the court shall proceed to settle the judgment or order. Failure to file and serve objections and a proposed judgment or order shall constitute approval as to form of the prevailing party's proposed judgment or order.
When a party objects to the proposed findings of fact, the objecting party must file proposed alternate findings of fact with the statement of objections.
Haw. R. Dist. Ct. 23