(a) In all trials the testimony of witnesses shall be taken orally in open court, unless otherwise provided by law or by these rules.(b) At the discretion of the court, jurors may be allowed to suggest questions to be asked of witnesses. Each juror question must be in writing and delivered to the court through appropriate court personnel. Upon receipt of a question, the court shall review the propriety of submitting the question to the witness with the parties or their attorneys on the record, but outside the hearing of the jury. If the court deems the question appropriate and subject to the Hawai'i Rules of Evidence (HRE), the court may ask the question. The parties shall have an opportunity to examine matters touched upon by any juror question submitted to a witness, subject to the HRE. Any party may object to the asking of a question, but the court may ask the question over any objection after the objection has been placed on the record. The jury shall be pre-instructed about the procedure for asking questions.Amended July 25, 1991, effective 7/25/1991; further amended March 24, 2000, effective 7/1/2000.