Haw. Fam. Ct. R. 89

As amended through September 30, 2024
Rule 89 - Expedition of Court Business: Sanctions
(a) Required notice. Attorneys shall advise the court promptly if a case is settled. An attorney who fails to give the court such prompt advice may be subject to such sanction as the court deems appropriate.
(b) Submission of documents, adherence to court policy. An attorney who, without good cause, fails to submit documents in a timely manner in accordance with these rules, or who fails to adhere to these rules or applicable statutes, may be subject to such sanction as the court deems appropriate.
(c) Effect of failure to appear or tardiness. An attorney who, without good cause, fails to appear or is tardy when the attorney's case is before the court on call, motion, pre-trial or trial or who unjustifiably fails to prepare for a presentation to the court necessitating a continuance, may be subject to such sanction as the court deems appropriate.

Haw. Fam. Ct. R. 89

Added October 11, 1999, effective 1/1/2000.