Rule 7.1 - Formatting of Documents(a) Form. All pleadings, motions, and other documents to be filed shall be typewritten, printed, photocopied, or otherwise similarly prepared by a duplication process that will produce clear and permanent copies equally legible to printing, upon unruled, opaque, unglazed white paper of standard quality not less than 13 pound weight, 8 ½ x 11 inches in size. Each sheet of text shall have a margin at the top and bottom of 1 inch (except as otherwise provided in paragraph (c) of this rule). Each sheet of text shall have a left-hand and right-hand side margin and each margin shall be not less than 1 inch. The text of all documents shall be printed in black. The type shall be standard 12 point pica or equivalent. Copies, but not originals, may be two-sided, and the lines on each page shall be double-spaced or one and one-half spaced; provided, however, descriptions of real property, and quotations, may be single spaced. All pages shall be numbered consecutively at the bottom and shall be firmly bound together at the top. Exhibits may be fastened to pages of the specified size and, when prepared by a machine-copying process, shall be equal to typewritten material in legibility and permanency of image. Original signatures and all other original hand-written entries on documents shall be in black or blue ink. (b) No flyleaf shall be attached to any document. No flyleaf shall be attached to any document. All documents shall be filed without backs and shall be neat, clean, legible and free of interlineations. (c) Form of first page. The first page of each document, except as provided hereinbelow in (d) shall be in the following form: (1) The space at the top left of the center of the page shall contain the name, attorney number, office address and telephone number of the attorney for the party on whose behalf the document is filed, or the name, address and telephone number of the party if he/she is representing himself or herself; (2) The space at the top right of the center of the page shall be left blank for the use of the clerk of the court; (3) Next, there shall be centered the name of the court, which shall be not less than 3 inches from the top of the page;(4) Next, the space to the left of the center of the page shall contain the title of the case (which title shall include the names of all of the parties in the initial pleading, but thereafter may be appropriately abbreviated). (5) In the space to the right of the title to the case, there shall be listed the case number, the title of the document, and the title of each additional document that is attached (see below). (6) Next, there shall be centered the title of the document itself. (d) Two or more documents filed together. Where 2 or more documents are filed together, only the first page of the first document shall follow all of the requirements of (c) hereinabove; and in addition thereto, there shall be listed, after the case number and before the centered title of the document, the title of all of the documents that are being filed together. Each document after the first document shall start with the name of the court and include the case number, the title of the case and the title of the document, in appropriate spaces as set forth in (c) hereinabove.Added November 20, 2014, effective 1/1/2015.