Hawaii Arbitration Rules
- Rule 1 - The Court Annexed Arbitration Program
- Rule 2 - Intent of Program and Application of Rules
- Rule 3 - The Arbitration Judge
- Rule 4 - The Judicial Arbitration Commission
- Rule 5 - The Arbitration Administrator
- Rule 6 - Matters Subject to Arbitration
- Rule 7 - Relationship to Circuit Court Jurisdiction and Rules; Form of Documents
- Rule 8 - Determination of Arbitrability
- Rule 9 - Assignment to Arbitrator
- Rule 10 - Qualifications of Arbitrators
- Rule 11 - Authority of Arbitrators
- Rule 12 - Stipulations
- Rule 13 - Restrictions on Communications
- Rule 14 - Discovery
- Rule 15 - Scheduling of Hearings; Pre-hearing Conferences
- Rule 16 - Prehearing Statement
- Rule 17 - Conduct of the Hearing
- Rule 18 - Arbitration in the Absence of a Party
- Rule 19 - Form and Content of Award
- Rule 20 - Filing of Award
- Rule 21 - Judgment on Award
- Rule 22 - Request for Trial De Novo
- Rule 23 - Procedures at Trial De Novo
- Rule 24 - Scheduling of the Trial De Novo
- Rule 25 - The Prevailing Party in the Trial De Novo; Costs
- Rule 26 - Sanctions for Failing to Prevail in the Trial De Novo
- Rule 27 - Effective Date
- Rule 28 - Sanctions for Failure to Meaningfully Participate in Arbitration Hearing
- Rule 29 - Deleted
- Rule 30 - Deleted