Fl. Prob. R. 5.550
Fl. Prob. R. 5.550
Committee Notes
Rule History
1980 Revision: Implements 1979 amendments to section 744.331, Florida Statutes.
1984 Revision: Change in title of rule. Editorial changes and adds a provision for service of petition. Committee notes revised.
1988 Revision: Committee notes revised. Citation form changes in committee notes.
1989 Revision by Ad Hoc Committee: The committee realized that formal notice as defined in rule 5.040(a)(1) requires the recipient of notice to file a responsive pleading within 20 days after the service of the notice. The committee believed that to impose such a requirement on the alleged incapacitated person would contravene the legislative intent of the 1989 revisions to chapter 744, Florida Statutes. The committee observed that the time required for appointment of mandatory appointed counsel might render a responsive pleading within 20 days impossible for the alleged incapacitated person. The committee concluded that, procedurally, notice upon the alleged incapacitated person should occur in the same manner as formal notice in rule 5.040, but the required response under that rule should not be imposed upon the alleged incapacitated person.
1991 Revision: Implements 1989 amendments to sections 744.3201 and 744.331, Florida Statutes, and 1990 technical amendments.
1992 Revision: Citation form changes in committee notes.
2006 Revision: Subdivisions (c) and (d) added to incorporate 2006 amendment to section 744.441 and creation of section 744.462, Florida Statutes. Committee notes revised.
2014 Revision: Amends subdivision (a)(7) to conform with Fla. R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. 2.425. Committee notes revised.
2016 Revision: Subdivision (a)(8) added to require the disclosure of whether there are possible alternatives to guardianship known to the petitioner. Committee notes revised.
2017 Revision: Adopts new subdivisions (e)(1)-(e)(3) to address statutory changes in sections 744.331(3)(e), (3)(h), and (3)(i), Florida Statutes, regarding filing, service, and objections to examining committee members' reports. Adopts new subdivision (f) to address statutory changes regarding the timing of the adjudicatory hearing in section 744.331(5)(a), Florida Statutes. Committee notes revised.
2020 Revision (September): Amends subdivision (a)(8) to address the Judicial Management Council Guardianship Workgroup Final Report dated June 15, 2018, Focus Area 1, Recommendation 3, by requiring an explanation if there are less restrictive alternatives to guardianship, but they are not sufficient to meet the needs of the alleged incapacitated person. Committee notes revised.
2020 Revision (December): Statutory references amended.
2024 Revision: Subdivision (a)(8) amended and new subdivision (a)(9) adopted to conform to section 744.3201(2)(d), Florida Statutes. Committee notes revised.
2024 Revision: Subdivision (b)(2) amended to conform to section 744.331(1), Florida Statutes. Committee notes revised.
Statutory References
§ 709. 2104, Fla. Stat. Durable power of attorney.
§ 709. 2109, Fla. Stat. Termination or suspension of power of attorney or agent's authority.
§ 744. 1012, Fla. Stat. Legislative intent.
§ 744. 104, Fla. Stat. Verification of documents.
§ 744. 3045, Fla. Stat. Preneed guardian.
§ 744. 3115, Fla. Stat. Advance directives for health care.
§ 744. 3201, Fla. Stat. Petition to determine incapacity.
§ 744. 331, Fla. Stat. Procedures to determine incapacity.
§ 744. 3371, Fla. Stat. Notice of petition for appointment of guardian and hearing.
§ 744. 441(1)(k), Fla. Stat. Powers of guardian upon court approval.
§ 744. 462, Fla. Stat. Determination regarding alternatives to guardianship.
§ 765. 102, Fla. Stat. Legislative intent and findings.
Rule References
Fla. Prob. R. 5.020 Pleadings; verification; motions.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.040(a)(3) Notice.
Fla. Prob. R. 5.800(a) Application of revised chapter 744 to existing guardianships.
Fla. R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. 2.425 Minimization of the filing of sensitive information.