Rule 502 - Commencement of Action(a) How Commenced. A small claims action is commenced by filing with the court a short statement of the plaintiff's claim setting forth the facts giving rise to the action in the manner and form provided in C.R.C.P. 506 and by paying the appropriate docket fee. (b) Jurisdiction. The court shall have jurisdiction from the time the claim is filed. (c) Setting of the Trial Date. At the time the small claims action is filed, the clerk shall set the trial on a date, time and place certain. The first scheduled trial date shall not be less than thirty days from the date of issuance of the notice of claim by the clerk. Colo. R. Sm. Clm. Ct. P. 502
Entire chapter repealed and readopted February 24, 1994, effective 7/1/1994; entire rule amended and effective 9/6/2001.