Alabama Rules of Disciplinary Procedure
- Preamble
- Rule 1 - Jurisdiction
- Rule 2 - Grounds for discipline
- Rule 3 - Nature of proceedings
- Rule 4 - The Disciplinary Board of the Alabama State Bar
- Rule 4.1 - [Rescinded]
- Rule 4.2 - The Disciplinary Hearing Officer of the Alabama State Bar
- Rule 5 - The Disciplinary Commission of the Alabama State Bar
- Rule 5.1 - The Board of Disciplinary Appeals of the Alabama State Bar [Rescinded]
- Rule 6 - The General Counsel
- Rule 7 - Local grievance committees
- Rule 8 - Types of discipline
- Rule 8.1 - Prediscipline Diversion Program [Rescinded]
- Rule 9 - Noncompliance with the Alabama state bar client security fund rules
- Rule 10 - Noncompliance with Alabama State Bar Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Rules
- Rule 11 - Noncompliance with Alabama state bar interest on lawyer trust account rules
- Rule 12 - Procedures
- Rule 12.1 - Procedures - Transitional provision
- Rule 13 - Refusal of complainant to proceed, compromise, etc
- Rule 14 - Matters involving related pending civil or criminal litigation
- Rule 15 - Immunity
- Rule 16 - Filing and service of formal charges
- Rule 17 - Subpoena power, witnesses, and pre-trial proceedings
- Rule 18 - Conduct not subject to disciplinary action
- Rule 19 - Hearings
- Rule 20 - Interim suspension and summary suspension
- Rule 21 - Probation
- Rule 22 - Mandatory suspension or disbarment
- Rule 23 - Disbarment by consent
- Rule 24 - Discipline by consent
- Rule 25 - Reciprocal discipline
- Rule 26 - Disbarred or suspended lawyers or lawyers on disability inactive status
- Rule 27 - Transfer to disability inactive status
- Rule 28 - Reinstatement
- Rule 29 - Appointment of trustee or supervising lawyer to protect the interests of a lawyer and the lawyer's clients
- Rule 30 - Confidentiality
- Rule 31 - Time within which formal disciplinary proceedings must be instituted
- Rule 32 - Record keeping
- Rule 33 - Publication and costs
- Rule 34 - Effective date
- Rule 35 - Disqualification
- Appendix A