Rule 6 - Further provisions(A)Transcription for appellate court. The appellate court may request the Administrative Office of Courts to transcribe any portion of the videotape recordings whenever the court determines that a transcription is necessary for a decision in the case. The costs of transcriptions made pursuant to this rule shall be certified by the director of the Administrative Office of Courts, or the director's designee, and shall be paid by the parties to the appeal in such proportions as the appellate court shall direct. (B)Establishment of local procedures. The presiding judge of a circuit in which videotape equipment is used to record proceedings may, by order, establish further procedures relating to videotape recordation of court proceedings, provided that such further procedures do not conflict with the provisions of these rules, any statutory provisions, or any other rules of procedure. (C)Notice of these rules. Each judge presiding over any proceeding wherein the official record is to be made on videotape shall take appropriate action to ensure that each attorney, and each party not represented by counsel, is aware of these rules. Ala. R. Rcdg. Ct. Proc. 6